Friday February 14, 2025 10:10am - 11:00am CST
Socratic Seminars are not just for middle school and high school.  In this session which is geared toward upper elementary, participants will learn the components of a Inside Outside Circles and a Socratic Seminar, participate in simulations of both strategies, and understand ways to vary the execution in their classrooms. With some scaffolding and adjustments, these strategies can be very effective for developing deeper classroom discussions.  The Hattie Effect size of a Socratic Seminar is 0.82 and class discussions is 0.8 which are equivalent to two years worth of student growth if done with fidelity and consistently. 
avatar for Emily Sharkey

Emily Sharkey

5th Grade Teacher, Wauconda School District #118
avatar for Lisa Wilm

Lisa Wilm

Instructional Coach, Wauconda School District 118 Robert Crown Elementary
Position at Company ABC.
Friday February 14, 2025 10:10am - 11:00am CST
Room C316 1600 Eagle Way, Lake Villa, IL

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