Friday February 14, 2025 9:20am - 10:05am CST
This session will explore the implications of questioning as well as the use of the Question Formulation Technique. This method provides structures to assist students in asking questions, not just answering them. QFT works in concert with inquiry-based learning and promotes learning engagement and meaningful discussion. QFT initiatives the development of topical or thematic thought-provoking questions that provide a basis for instruction. This method supports critical and creative thinking and fosters students natural curiosity, motivation and engagement in learning. It is an excellent strategy for social studies and science inquiry for all K-12 grade classrooms. This will be a fast moving interactive session so get ready to collaborate. Resources will be provided to support classroom implementation.
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Laura Beltchenko

Educator Professional Learning and Development, Illinois Reading Council
Laura Beltchenko has been a classroom teacher, reading specialist, teacher and coordinator of gifted programs, and an associate superintendent for curriculum and instruction in a suburban K-12 school district. She is currently the Chair of the Illinois State Board of Education Advisory... Read More →
Friday February 14, 2025 9:20am - 10:05am CST
Room C309 1600 Eagle Way, Lake Villa, IL 60046, USA

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